Clemens H. Cap


Cybersecurity and Applications of Cryptography


  1. Security and Safety [PDF] [BiBTeX]
  2. Why is Security Important? [PDF] [PDF with audio] [BiBTeX]
  3. Topics for Projects [PDF]
  4. Principles of Security Engineering [PDF] [PDF with audio] [BiBTeX]
  5. Risk Analysis [PDF] [PDF with audio] [BiBTeX]
  6. Understanding the Attacker [PDF] [PDF with audio] [BiBTeX]
  7. Authentication [PDF] [PDF with audio] [BiBTeX]
  8. Biometric Authentication [PDF] [PDF with audio] [BiBTeX]
  9. Access Control [PDF] [PDF with audio] [BiBTeX]
  10. Processor Security: Spectre and Meltdown [PDF] (New Upload)


  1. Steganography [PDF]
  2. Finite Fields [PDF] [PDF with audio] [BiBTeX]
  3. Secret Sharing [PDF (New Upload, Bug Fix Release)] [Old version PDF with audio]
  4. Anonymous Communication [PDF] [PDF with audio] [BiBTeX]
  5. Zero Knowledge [PDF] (New Upload - in updated form)
  6. Attacks [PDF] (New Upload)

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Out-of Stream Material

The following material has not been prepared particularly for this course but the contents covered there is part of or prerequisite for this course.
  1. Simeon Wiedenmann: Revising some Computer Security Basics, Part 1. Talk 2 of the Sethi Summer School [YouTube]
  2. Clemens H. Cap: Revising some Computer Security Basics, Part 2. Talk 3 of the Sethi Summer School [YouTube]
  3. Clemens H. Cap: Privacy and Data Protection. Talk 13 of the Sethi Summer School [YouTube]
  4. Clemens H. Cap: Architectures and Technologies for Privacy. Talk 14 of the Sethi Summer School [YouTube]
  5. Thomas Mundt: How We Found Out Who Refuses to Wash Hands: A Case Study on Privacy. Talk 12 of the Sethi Summer School [YouTube]
  6. Simeon Wiedenmann: Ethics of Hacking - Attack Vectors, Penetration Testing and the Disclosure of Vulnerabilities. Talk 11 of the Sethi Summer School [YouTube]


  1. Knowlegde of security basics, as typical for a bachelor degree in computer science, see for example: Datensicherheit
  2. Knowledge of networking, as typical for a bachelor degree in computer science, see for example: Rechnernetze


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Cybersecurity and Applications of Cryptography






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